accuracy | Percentage
| 0 | The extent to which the value is expected to be free from error, measured as a percentage of the data value. 100% means fully accurate. |
period | Seconds
| 1 | The time elapsed between the beginning and the end of the sampling or measurement period. This item may differ from the unit attribute; e.g. an hourly flow can be estimated from a 5-minute measurement period. |
smoothingFactor | Float
| 2 | Coefficient required when a moving average is computed to give specific weights to the former average and the new data. A typical formula is, F being the smoothing factor: New average = (old average) F + (new data) (1 - F). |
specificLane | LaneEnum
| 3 | The lane to which the specific measurement at the measurement site relates. This overrides any lane specified for the measurement site as a whole. |
specificMeasurementValueType | MeasuredOrDerivedDataTypeEnum
| 4 | The type of this specific measurement at the measurement site. |